Note, update: This has a follow up post for the case where you want to keep any Subject Alternativ Name (SAN) fields in the certificate to sign.
On occasion, I’ve needed to create my own self-signed SSL-certificates for various testing purposes. At work today I needed a certificate that was signed by another certificate, i.e. I needed a chain of trusted certificates for testing, where the cert at the top of the chain is used as a trusted root certificate. The premise is is simple: If you trust the root certificate, you should also trust the certificates further down in the chain, since they are signed using the trusted certificate.

I generally work on a Windows system, but for certain tasks such as this, I often find Unix-style tools preferable. Luckily, if you used the Git Bash command line for windows and have OpenSSL included, you’ll have everything you need right there. This post provides a few quick steps needed to create such a chain of trusted certificates using OpenSSL.
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